For Adults

Author Visits


Karen Gedig Burnett offers two assembly programs:
Simon’s Hook Assemblies and Author Talk Presentations

1) Simon’s Hook Assemblies

The Simon’s Hook assembly covers life skill topics such as how to handle teases and put-downs, personal empowerment and determination, and positive attitude and perseverance. Mrs. Burnett provides tools students and staff can use to handle many of life’s problems.

The main messages in this program:

  • Learn to view teases as hooks – learn not to bite.
  • Focus on what you control (your attitude and actions) rather than on what you don’t control (the other person).
  • You get to choose how you react – nobody makes you.
  • Learn to make choices that are best for you.
  • Keep trying and you will keep growing.

The Simon’s Hook assembly provides a basic message and common language for all. To schedule an assembly with Karen contact her here.

2) Author Talk Presentations

This presentation focuses on, the writing process (idea development, writing and rewriting), the journey to being an author and the process of publishing. Student and teacher questions are solicited. Mrs. Burnett then picks students to represent many of the steps and people involved in developing and publishing a book, which culminates by showing how a book is assembled.  This presentation is modified to the age group and allotted time. To schedule an author talk with Karen contact her here.




Support Items


Simon’s Hook Big Poster 24″ x 18″

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Poster Strip: 5.5 ” x 17” 2 Sided English/Spanish



Lanyards 3” x 4” 2-Sided



Bookmarks 2 Sided English/Spanish


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